Buff Bake Review

So you want to get buff? Eat cookies! 

That's right, I said eat cookies to get buff. Buff Bake is another company that produces high protein spreads and they also have cookies in their line up of protein packed goodies. The first, and only one I've tried so far is Frosted Oatmeal but they also have Snickerdoodle, White Chocolate Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip and Birthday Cake! They clearly have some unique and tasty sounding options and I definitely want to try more. I will update this post as I try more. 

Frosted Oatmeal Raisin
Macros: 300 cal 9f/44c/16p for the entire cookie, none of that half cookie crazy talk

They are also certified Non-GMO and it appears to be gluten free from what I see in the ingredients but the oats may not be certified gluten free because they didn't advertise this one as being gluten free - I don't know!

I've often seen these cookies compared to Lenny & Larry's, the famous, vegan protein cookies. However, the Buff Bake company utilizes whey protein and other dairy sources, so they're definitely not vegan. I warmed it up in the microwave because warm cookies are the best cookies. 

The cookie was large, dense and good. It had a bit of a different texture than your typical cookie - more dense - but this is to be expected when you pack a cookie with 16g of protein and no flour! Overall, I thought it was pretty good. The actual cookie was not overly sweet so I appreciated the sweet icing drizzle! I think the peanut butter flavors are probably even better because they lend themselves to a different texture anyway. I look forward to trying more cookies. 

Texture Shot
Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter 
Macros: 200c 14f/7c/11p 

You really can't go wrong when you combine chocolate and peanut butter so I guess I played it safe trying this flavor and it didn't disappoint. It had a rich, balanced chocolate flavor that had just the right amount of sweetness to complement, yet not overwhelm, the peanut flavor. They also add chia and flax for omegas. What really impresses me is that they maintain a normal peanut butter texture. Sometimes, I've noticed, adding protein to nut butters can affect the consistency, but not so with this flavor of buff bake peanut spread! I mean, just look at it drizzled on top of my Halo Top ice cream! YUM! Oh, and only two grams of sugar per two tablespoons!

Chocolate wasted 🍫😍😍😍 I can't exactly express to you how amazing this wasπŸ‘‰chocolate @halotopcreamery topped with @buffbake chocolate chip peanut butter, chocolate chips, brownie @questnutrition bar cookies, and @nunaturals cocoa syrup - I'm in heaven πŸ™Œ 
I did the filthy fifty workout for @corebyliz #illbefitforchristmas challenge and shaved over two minutes off of my time - down to 22:16 πŸ‘Œ I'll probably post an end post with my goals in the next day or so but I really have enjoyed this challenge! PSA 50 jump squats is no joke πŸ’¦ happy Friday eve! #corebyliz#slapnutrition#slap90days3
I could eat this every day - low sugar, high protein, chocolate bliss!

Birthday Cake Almond Spread
Macros: 198cal 16f/8c/11p

This flavor is composed of dry roasted almonds, hormone free whey protein, natural flavoring, coconut sugar, white chocolate chips and organic coconut oil. Sadly, I didn't notice any white chocolate chips but I tried it from a squeeze pack so it's possible that the jar would have more white chocolate chips to notice. Despite the lack of white chocolate chips (and sprinkles!) this flavor surprised me. I think they really did a good job of getting a cake batter flavor. It tasted like a natural almond butter melded with cake batter and the texture reminded me of a natural almond butter as well! I'm very pleased with how they pack it with protein, yet maintain a good consistency! I thought it was delicious and can't wait to try more!

If you thought the cookie flavors were fun, look at their nut butter flavors: Peanut: Chocolate Chip, Rocky Road, White Chocolate, Red Velvet, Pumpkin (Seasonal)
Almond: Birthday Cake, Snickerdoodle, Cookie, and Coffee Bean

 Birthday Cake Almond Spread

Have you tried any of the Buff Bake line up? What's your favorite brand of protein nut butters? There's so many options!


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