Product Review: NeuroGum

I don't know about you, but I almost always consume some sort of caffeine or energy booster before a run or a workout. I'm sure its 97% placebo effect, but I continue to do it nonetheless.

Pre-workouts can be hard to find one that works for you and tastes good. Energy drinks can be full of sugars or artificial ingredients (not to say I don't use these things XD).

In comes NeuroGum! It's the #1 Nootropic Energy Gum engineered to give energy, clarity, and focus. It contains caffeine (40mg), L-Theanine - the major amino acid in green tea, vitamin B6 and B12 for a combination that is supposed to give you sharp and focused energy 5 times faster than other methods of energy. It's also Non-GMO, vegan, gluten free, soy free, aspartame free and sugar-free clocking in at 2 calories per piece.

So how does it hold up under test by a self-proclaimed caffeine junkie? With only a meager 40 mg of caffeine, can this gum actually do anything for me?

I put it to the test first at work. I work a desk job and was really dragging. I decided to chew a piece of Neuro gum and it definitely helped perk me up and keep me focused. I also feel like the mintiness and chewing help stimulate me.

The second time I tried it was before a run. I have recently been dealing with shin splints and took time off of running but I decided to try a fairly flat run and see how it went so I wasn't expecting my fastest pace. I have to admit, I had my morning caffeine along with the gum before my run and I can't say I noticed any additional enhancement. I actually chewed it  throughout my run and was pleasantly surprised that it didnt A) become hard as a rock, or B) completely dissolve.
My first run in weeks, with Neuro Gum to help!

I think this would probably be a good substitute for grabbing that energy drink from the gas station. However, if you already consume stimulants on a regular basis, I wouldn't expect any more of a boost than an energy drink.

Overall, I like this product and will probably continue to use it when I feel sluggish at work!

How would you use this? Do you have caffeine regularly?

 Check it out at


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