I tried the 10,000 Calorie Challenge!!!

Have you seen the 10,000 calorie challenge on YouTube?

The premise is this: eat 10,000 calories in one day. No throwing up, no liquid calories. That's about it. People often give different reasons for doing it and since some attack (when do people not attack in the YouTube comment section?), it seems to need to be justified. So why did I do it?

1. I had a guilty pleasure for a while of watching these challenges. I don't know why it's so fascinating. It could be because they are eating a lot of foods that I don't "allow" myself to eat. So I thought, why not try it?

2. I had a weird confidence that I could slay the challenge. 10,000 calories? I could eat that for breakfast, pft.

3. I wanted to prove to myself that I can challenge my food rules I set for myself, that I could enjoy "bad" foods and eat in a caloric surplus and it wouldn't hurt me. I wanted to prove that I wouldn't instantly become fat or physically unhealthy. I know these things but I don't implement them.

So here's what went down! My mom agreed to try the challenge with me, though, we both knew she wasn't going to make it. Realistically, she was aiming for 6,000ish calories. I planned my day out roughly and so did she. We bought some snacks and I reached into my chocolate horde. The night before I struggled to sleep which is not uncommon for me. I decided to just go ahead and get an early start.

5:30 am: Buzz Ballz aka energy bites I made myself. I ate a whole batch = 630 calories

I went for a 4 mile run which went pretty well!

7:00 am:  I wasn't ready for anything sweet yet so I opted for a Pizza flavored bagel which I had been wanting to try for some time. It honestly wasn't that great. = 250 calories

9:30 am: Second breakfast, anyone? I made a breakfast bowl with whole milk skyr, almond butter and a Perfect Bar = 690 calories

I felt slight GI distress but other than that, pretty good lol! We planned on hiking and the trail we wanted to do was about 2.5 hours away so that was some time to snack. I only managed one snack on the way because I was feeling a little weird.

11:30 am: Car snack of choice - sour gummi worms = 663 calories

We hiked four miles and both felt way better! We sat down by the lake and had a lunch-type snack?

2:30 pm: Criminelli prosciutto snack tray (10/10 recommend) = 170 calories

We read for a bit by the lake and then hopped in the car to head home. In the car I munched on some chocolates and they were delicious!

4:30 pm: Car snack #2 - Chocolove Dark Chocolate Almond Toffee = 680 calories

We stopped at the mall for our pre-dinner snack XD

6:00 pm: Auntie Anne's Original pretzel = 340 calories

Honestly, I expected the pretzel to be harder to eat, but it was easy. Easy and delicious although under normal circumstances, I would hope for more butter, in this case, it was buttery enough.

Finally home, it was time for the long-awaited pizza! I love pizza but always tell myself it's not okay to eat. It's too high calorie, it's oily, it's greasy. How silly! I should be able to enjoy it once in a while! What goes better with pizza than cheesy garlic knots? We ordered pizza from Papa John's and cheesy garlic knots from Pizza Hut. Yes, we went to two pizza places!

7:30pm: four slices pepperoni pizza + five cheesy garlic knots = 1720 calories

We munched on the pizza and knots while watching John Tucker Must Die - classic!

9:00pm: snack time! Next Organics Chocolate Covered Cashews = 660

Okay, I'm getting pretty full. At this point, I've accepted I might not make it to 10,000 and that's okay. I decided beforehand, I would not eat to the point of feeling sick. I really wanted to enjoy my food and still feel good the next day! However, gelato had been calling my name all day and it still sounded good!

10:30pm: Talenti Almond Butter & Honey Gelato (new flavor alert - it's amazing!) = 1040 calories

I was reading a good book, enjoying the creamy gelato but when I finished it, I knew if I ate more, I would be pushing the limits. So I read my book and relaxed. I fell asleep easily and woke up feeling full but fine.

Total calories for the day = 6,843 calories

What did I learn from this?

  • Foods should not be off limits
  • One day of "indulging" will not hurt you
  • Gelato is always a good idea 
  • I can't eat as much as I thought I could 
I might even try this challenge again, because ya girl likes a challenge. 😉

Would you ever attempt this or does the idea repulse you? What foods would you eat? Do you have self-imposed food rules, and how do you challenge them?


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