Runner Probs - Another Stress Fracture

Another injury?

Yes, yes, another injury. It seems as though I get a running related injury every year.

However, I love running and  I just don't want to give it up. So we rehab, we heal and we become stronger than we were before.

My latest injury is a minor stress fracture and, honestly, the injury is so small, that it makes me feel a little bad about not running. My crazy side rationalizes that I could run through it but the smart side knows that doing so would only exacerbate the problem.

I originally ignored the twinge. Then, I couldn't ignore it so I tried using KT tape and I rode the bike a few times in place of a run. I honestly felt it was getting better! I tried running again on the treadmill and it went ok. Then two days later, I tried running on the treadmill again and this time it was NOT ok. After about 1.5 miles, something went wrong. I stopped the treadmill and my ankle felt worse than ever.

I made an appointment for the orthopedic and the X-rays didn't show it, so it's not a serious fracture. The doctor said I don't even have to wear a boot unless walking causes me pain (which it doesn't!). So, we wait. and we wait. and we wait.

I've been wearing an ankle compression sleeve, resting and icing it and making sure to get my calcium and collagen.

As frustrating as injuries are, they sure do teach me to 1. Be patient. 2. Be grateful. 3. Take care of myself.

I currently wasn't following any type of running programming. I just ran and ran hard. I'm thinking it may be beneficial to incorporate some easy runs, slow runs, tempo runs, etc. and probably some warming up would help me too - I'm so bad about that!

Have you ever gotten a running related injury? How did you cope with it?


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