Backpacking Snacks!

We're going on a hike.

It's going to be GRAND.

We're going to need a lot of snacks!

My mom and I are taking a SLOW hike down the Grand Canyon (more on that later) and staying at a ranch at the bottom. With our stay at the ranch, we purchased a steak dinner and breakfast for the next morning so we won't need to carry those meals but we will need loads of snacks! So what are we taking?

  • trail mix - great mix of protein, fats, carbs
  • beef jerky - good protein and sodium to retain water
  • nut butter squeeze packets - satiating, calorie dense and yummy 
  • dried fruit - easy to carry, quick digesting carbohydrates
  • snack bacon from Pederson's farm - Bacon is delicious, also sodium 
  • protein bars - most have a good macro profile with high protein and moderate fats and carbs
  • electrolyte drink packets - for keeping electrolytes up
I'm trying to make sure I have plenty of fuel but without weighing down my pack too much! What snacks would you take? Have you ever been on a backpacking trip?


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