Entirely Made Up Protocol

Long time, no blog post. Oops! 

I guess I fell off my blogging game a little bit. As the pandemic rages on, I've actually been working more! Perks of being an "essential worker", right?

So anyway, something that I've also been dealing with is constipation. Yeah, I said it. I know it is a topic a lot of people shy away from but it can actually have very serious health implications. Anytime I am injured and can't run or hike, I notice my constipation gets worse. So I decided to test out an entirely made up protocol to try to find some relief. 

First of all I've tried:

  • laxatives - DIDN'T WORK - I tried a laxative once and it caused me so much pain and no bm. No thank you!
  • eating an orange, rind and all, with cayenne and cinnamon - DIDN'T WORK. This did nothing. 
  • prescription stool softener for 3 days as prescribed - DIDN'T WORK. Nada. 
  • doctor recommended suppository - DIDN'T WORK. Ok, can you tell I'm desperate? This caused a bm but not relief. 
So I decided to try one week of:

  • 20-40g fiber
  • a lot of water
  • hot coffee in the morning
  • greens supplement with probiotics
  • tablespoon of olive oil 3 mornings a week
So far, I've had one good day and I was so excited! Now, my problem is I don't know exactly which of the implementations provided the relief, however it was on a morning that I had the tablespoon of olive oil. PSA, doing a shot of olive oil is not a pleasant experience. I read about this through my many google searches and they instruct that it should be done in the morning on an empty stomach so that is what I did. 

I'm hoping that continuing to implement some of these things will help me to get on the road to good digestion and gut health, not to mention, they are much more natural than taking laxatives. 

This is not meant to be construed as medical advice and I recommend you consult with your doctor if you are experiencing severe constipation. 

The greens powder I'm using is 1st Phorm Opti-Greens found here: 1st Phorm
Also, make sure you have a good olive oil! Olive oil is one of the most counterfeited food items, often diluted or mixed with lower quality oils. I've been using Bragg's Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Stay healthy!


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