Beer and Pancakes 5K 2017

Another 5k in the books, my friends.

I've expressed my enjoyment of 5ks before, but this NC MedAssist 5k on November 4, gave me an extra dose of anxiety with my excitement. Why?

1. My work sponsored it.
2. They found out I placed in my age division last year and were counting on me as their "star athlete" (jokingly, but the pressure was on).
3. I sprained my ankle the week before!

I sprained my ankle running through a pile of leaves the week before so I transitioned to using a stationary bike to maintain my cardiovascular endurance but a stationary bike is really not the same as running.

The morning of the 5k was unseasonably warm, which I was thankful for. I fueled up with a Western Bagel and made the trip to the Brewery which was hosting the 5K. The proceeds go to a MedAssist program for people who can't afford insurance. It's hosted annually at a brewery where participants are treated to a breakfast of pancakes and bacon afterward. Oh, and beer, to replace glycogen stores I guess lol!

Don't worry - the bacon was unlimited for VIP!
I used KT tape and a YouTube video to tape my ankle for stability and nervously awaited the start time. I popped a piece of Neuro Gum and approached the start line not knowing how this race would go - I hadn't run in over a week!

The run did not feel great at all. I felt like my legs didn't want to go any faster. The course was pretty nice with no extremes, although it did end on an incline. My finish time was 22:33 with a 7:16 pace which is pretty good for me, especially with an injury!

I came in second place in my age group winning a beer glass. I chowed down on some bacon and tried to ignore the pain in my ankle.

I definitely made my ankle injury much worse and will be back to the bike for now but I'm happy I was able to finish strong!

My "trophy"!


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