Drizzilicious Delights!

Team Always Snacking, where you at?

I recently came across Drizzilicious Snacks and was totally intrigued! What are they?

They are described as crunchy drizzle bites with rice, chia, quinoa and flax. They come in S'mores and Cinnamon Swirl flavors. They are non-GMO, gluten free, and kosher. They clock in at a mere 90 calories per serving and look like a fantastic snack! So how do they taste?


Up first is S'mores flavor - This flavor is a marshmallow crisp drizzled with chocolate. These are like mini rice cakes but with a sweet flavor and chocolate drizzle. To be honest, I didn't get much of a marshmallow flavor in the small puffed crisp. The actual crisps were very tiny and reminded me of a cereal maybe. I can't quite put my finger on it but it wasn't a bad thing. It could almost verge on bland tasting but the chocolate drizzle saves it and makes it a great choice for a case of the munchies! I actually love the tiny size!

Perfect topping for S'mores Enlightened Ice Cream!
Cinnamon Swirl 

Cinnayum! This flavor is a cinnamon crisp drizzled with white chocolate. I was actually surprised to find that I preferred this flavor over the S'mores! The cinnamon flavor was very present and the white chocolate drizzle is a sweet delicious complement to the cinnamon spice. Again, they were tiny puffed crisps perfect for a snack attack!


These are great snacks for munching and crunching! I love the convenient single serving bags so you can grab and go. They are a light snack so they aren't very satiating if you have real hunger. I would definitely recommend these if you like to snack and will use them to take in my packed lunch or to top off my smoothie bowls!

Convenient single serve packs!

Have you tried these snacks? What's your favorite snack to pack for lunch?

Check out Drizzilicious snacks here: www.drizzilicious.com.
I was provided this product free but all opinions are my own.


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