Free Downloadable Mental Health Worksheets - Overcoming Hard Scenarios

I've been dealing with anxiety for a while now and something that helps me is getting my thoughts down in writing. So more recently, I created some worksheets for my own benefit. I thought, why not make them available to everyone! They're pretty straightforward and you could easily follow the concept without actually printing them.

Worksheet One:

 Overcoming Hard Scenarios

Worksheet One - Overcoming Hard Scenarios

Is the idea of going out to eat scary to you? Is standing up for what you believe daunting? Is going out with friend hard?

Imagine a scenario that you've struggled with. Now step one asks you to DEFINE why it's challenging. This can make the challenge seem less formidable and maybe even rationalize some irrational thoughts. This puts into clear terms what is scary about this scenario. Only then can you conquer it.

The next step is to outline steps that you can take to react in these situations. In a rational frame mind, plan out how you will handle this scenario the next time it arises.

The final step asks you to analyze what principles, morals, or ethics that apply in this situation.


Scenario: The party I'm at has no "healthy" food.
Step One: I will tell my close friend and support system about my situation.
Step Two: I will find something to eat.
Step Three: I will move on and enjoy the party, the company and maybe even some fun food!
Principles applied: Good association is more important than one "unhealthy" meal.

This is just one example of one scenario and one way to react to it. There's no right or wrong answers.

When you predict the scenario ahead of time, it allows you time to analyze what you really value and the person you want to be. Do I want to be the girl who always turns down the cookie?

What I love about this outline is that I can use it for a medley of different circumstances and it still works. It helps me to rationalize my thoughts and then put them into action when the time comes.

Have you ever tried a similar method? Let me know how this works for you!


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