Instagram Isn't All Bad

Ever get tired of social media? Ever feel exhausted at seeing the photoshopped pictures, the perfect lives, and the same caption over and over again?

I know I sometimes feel that way. Admittedly, I probably spend too much time on social media. Reducing my time on there would definitely help me not get so irritated with this.

However, I don't think Instagram is all bad! I think many people use it as a platform for good! You can connect with old friends and new. You can learn from others experiences, benefit from their positivity, or identify with their struggles. So I thought I'd share a few accounts I've been enjoying recently.

Kim shares tons of fun foods and recipes, but more than that she always keeps it real. She is a kind and caring mother and I love following her! She also takes great photos! I also enjoy her YouTube videos! I encourage you to check out her pages!

If you don't know Bethany, where you been? Bethany aka lilsipper, has dealt with many health issues and shares tons of tips and tricks and amazing recipes to help people live healthy, happy lives. Her positivity just radiates and she is so genuine! She has an awesome blog at where she shares a lot of recipes and information. I would recommend paying her page a visit, especially if you deal with gut health issues.

Marissa is a stage 4 cancer survivor but that by no means defines her. She has run several marathons and shares her yummy meals that fuel her athletic endeavors. She is smiling all the time and I love her positivity. I love watching her stories on Instagram and I would definitely recommend checking out her page.

These are just a few of the accounts I'm currently enjoying. There's many more but it would be impossible to share them all in one blog post. You may notice a them in how I described their pages: positivity!

Positivity is what I want to see on my feed; how about you? While it may seem Instagram can be an annoying place full of comparisons and competition, the choice of who we follow is up to us! So I try to follow pages that are upbuilding and positive and I hope I can be one of those pages too!

Do you enjoy learning of new accounts to check out? Who's accounts have you been enjoying? Let me know!


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