Friday Finds!

It's time for another round of Friday Finds! 

First up, Ghost Lifestyle Pre-Workout: I recently ran out of my Bowmar Nutrition Dragonfruit preworkout (I liked it!) and I had a coupon for GNC and a gift card so I thought I would check out their options. I saw the fun flavors of Ghost (Sour Patch, Warheads, etc.) and couldn't resist the Warheads Green Apple. I also love that they have a full disclosure label. The product has 4g L-Citrulline (pump), 2g beta alanine and 202 mg total caffeine. It is zero calories and I'm hoping delicious! Check it out here:

Next we have Nightfood Ice Cream! If you know me, you know I love ice cream. So when I saw Nightfood ice cream in my local Harris Teeter, I had to try it. I believe a brand is defined by their Vanilla so I purchased that one! I like the concept of it helping me sleep but I'm not sure how effective it truly was. I wanted to love this ice cream but I found it to upset my stomach. The first ingredient is fiber which I'm guessing was the culprit. I'm sure this ice cream may be fine for some people, but if you're sensitive, you may want to proceed with caution. If you're interested in trying it, you can check it out  here:

Homesick Candles: I love candles! I love them especially in the fall and winter. I just think they're so cozy. Homesick candles creates specialized candles that have a nostalgic with scents to match different locations. I tried Australia and Library and loved them both. Not only do they smell amazing, look pretty and bring back good memories, but they also burn for a long time! I love this concept and I think they would make great gifts! Check them out here:

What have you been discovering lately? Do you use preworkout?


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