Smash Up Your Snacks!

I have a secret.

I didn't like marshmallows.

I thought their sole purpose was to stick a s'more together.
When I made s'mores, it was usually more like making one s'more and then just eating the chocolate. 🤣 Who can relate?

That was, until, I discovered Snackapade SmashMallows.

I am dead serious. These mallows changed my opinion on marshmallows.

They come in tons of fun flavors from Cinnamon Churro to Mint Chocolate Chip to Cookie Dough to Toasted Vanilla and more! Not only do they have fun marshmallows but now they have come out with chocolate dipped marshmallows! They also have marshmallow crispy treats. All their snacks are naturally gluten free and deliciously Non-GMO.

I had the pleasure of trying the new Chocolate Dipped Mallows.

They were so good! The flavors are Dark Chocolate Dipped Cold Brew and Dark Chocolate Dipped Raspberry. My personal favorite was the cold brew. Imagine a sweet fluffy marshmallow, not too soft, not too firm, with the taste of cold brew coffee and then dipped in dark chocolate. Heavenly! I'm thinking I need to make a fancy latte topped with some of these!

They also have Seasonal flavors and who can pass up Pumpkin Spice?? The Pumpkin spice mallows have a nice spicy aroma and flavor! I would use these on a fancy S'more as an ice cream sundae topping!

Recently I found the Candy Cane flavor at Target and 10/10 recommend. Your hot chocolate will be the envy of everyone! It's perfectly minty and sweet. They also have a sugar cookie flavor that I'm dying to get my hands on!

healthy_happy_and_free. #SundaesOnSunday 🙌 is there a better way to end the weekend? 
Candy Cane Marshmallows on a festive Ice Cream Sundae

These decadant mallows can be found at your local Target or online! Check out their full line up of tasty treats on their website: or Amazon. Once you take your pick, you can create your own #SmashUps and share them on the gram!


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