Running: The Feeding Frenzy 5k 2016
This past Saturday, April 9, 2016, I ran in my second 5k since my spinal cord injury. Of course the weather decided to be cold and windy! I ran in the same 5k in 2015 and remember wearing shorts and a t-shirt at 8:30 in the morning! I bundled up but I was still a little apprehensive. Even though I've run several 5ks, I still get anxious and nervous every time!
My mom and I walked around pre-race trying to stay somewhat warm and anxiously awaiting the start. Finally, they called the runners to the start line. I started my music on my phone and *thought* I got my nike running app ready to go. I heavily rely on my app to keep pace and meet my own expectations of myself. The race started but my app did not. I decided to keep pace with a woman in front of me and we continued together throughout the whole race. Sometimes she was a little ahead and sometimes I was. As we reached the last quarter mile, I sprinted hard! The finish line was in sight and I didn't know what my time was!
As I crossed, I saw the clock said 21:51! They had a little station to print out your results. My pace was 7:02, almost my best ever, pre or post injury. My time for the same race last year was 22:24. I was thrilled with my results. Thank goodness for other runners to keep pace with!
Needless to say, on my next run back at home, my pace was much slower. C'est la vie. I find I usually run faster in races. They have such a great energy!
Do you prefer running in races or running on your own?
I like both because I like the introspective, alone time running on my own but I also like to set personal records and feel the energy and camaraderie of people who enjoy running!
Feeding Frenzy Logo from
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