Not Your Mother's Cookie Dough - Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Bean Free!

You've seen edible cookie dough recipes all over the World Wide Web.

You've some cookie dough with garbanzo beans, cookie dough with flour, dough with sugar, without sugar, maybe even with sweet potato.

But, have you ever seen cookie dough with...


That's right, folks. I said cauliflower. And then I said "folks" which is weird.

The idea popped into my head as I was thinking about the versatility of cauliflower! It's used as rice, as a mock mashed potato, as pizza crust, even added into smoothies! So what can't this vegetable do!?

This recipe is SO SIMPLE, you have to try it!

Not Your Mother's Cookie Dough

Makes 2 generous servings.


  • 210 g cauliflower, steamed then cooled
  • 1/4 cup powdered peanut butter
  • 1/2 tsp imitation butter flavor
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp almond milk
  • sweetener to taste (I used approximately 1/4 - 1/2 cup erythritol) 
  • 2 tbsp mini chocolate chips (I used KNOW foods sugar free chocolate chips)


  1. Steam your cauliflower, drain and let cool. 
  2. In a blender or food processor, combine all the ingredients except the chocolate chips. 
  3. Blend until creamy. 
  4. Stir in chocolate chips.
  5. Chill in the fridge and enjoy!
Macros for 1 serving: 123 calories 5.7f/9.6c*8.3p
*3.2 fiber 

*Note: This "cookie dough" will most likely not fool anyone into thinking they're eating real cookie dough but it is a nice treat and a way to get some extra veggies! Also, the texture would be improved if you use a food processor or something like a VitaMix. I have a simple blender. 

See! I told you it was easy! What's stopping you?

What's the craziest use of cauliflower you've tried?


  1. Omg this is what I’ve been waiting for.! Can’t wait to try it

    1. Let me know what you think! It’s definitely not your typical cookie dough but I thought it was fun and tasty!


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