Should I Stop Running?

Another injury. Another setback. Another emotional roller coaster.

During one of my runs recently, my ankle suddenly began to hurt very badly. I stopped running and walked home. Several days passed and I was hoping it would get better. I taped up with kinesiology tape and tried to run again.

I couldn't. I couldn't even manage a quarter mile and I didn't want to further damage myself.

Several more days passed and I imagined it was getting better. However, about a week after my initial pain, it started hurting a lot more. I could hardly walk or drive. I decided to see an orthopedic doctor.

He said I had a stress fracture on my fibula - a common runner's injury. I have to wear a boot for 4 weeks and then I will go back in 5 weeks to see if it is healing.

This is a frustrating process as I've been through many times. My exercise routine has been interrupted previously by a broken shoulder, broken neck, broken foot, broken toe, shin splints and even an ingrown toenail.

While my injuries certainly cover the spectrum from mild to severe - they are always frustrating. The boot causes me imbalances, hip issues, and back pain. I feel my foot is overpronating within the boot. My patience is limited and I am frustrated to not be on the road. I cross train on the stationary bike or rowing machine but it's not the same.

People have asked me if the doctor recommended I stop running or will I stop running.

The doctor said my bones look good and this is a common injury that I should recover from fairly quickly. I run an average of 11-12 miles a week so that's a pretty low mileage but it's just enough to keep me sane. Due to neck/spinal cord injury, my gait is slightly off, I'm a pronater and have therefore had some of the less serious injuries. Frustrating though they may be, never running again is an even worse proposition.

I am not going to stop living my life. I strive to take care of my physical and mental well-being. I could stop driving because I may get into an accident. I could stop going public places because I could get sick. I could stop travelling because I could get hurt. But I cannot.

At times, I feel hopeless. Will I even be able to run again? It may sound dramatic but I feel like I can no longer trust my body since my spinal cord injury. But I know that I can run again and I will run again.


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