November Hike of the Month: Moore's Wall Loop Trail

Another month, another hike! Thankfully temperatures haven't dropped too low so we had a nice opportunity for a hike this past weekend.

We chose to go to a nearby State Park that we  have hiked at before - Hanging Rock State Park in North Carolina. They have several trails that we have yet to explore. One of those trails was the Moore's Wall Loop trail.

You will need to drive to the lake area and follow a sign for Moore's Wall. The trail is marked with red circles. It also follows along with the Mountains to Sea trail for a while.

The trail is 4.3 miles with a rating of strenuous. We took the counterclockwise route which has you going up natural stairs and the way down is more meandering. The top of the hike features a lookout tower where you can see other nearby mountains and there is also a "Balancing Rock".

The trail was okay but I'm not a huge fan of so much downhill. Other than the vista features at the top, there wasn't much to look at besides trees.

Overall, I don't think it was a bad trail but I think it was a little forgettable. I probably prefer the Hanging Rock trail at this park!

Have you ever done a forgettable hike? What makes hikes stand out to you?

I can't believe we only have one more hike to go! Check out more about the hikes at Hanging Rock State Park here:


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