Keto Meringues! Sugar Free!

I recently had the idea to make Meringue cookies and my curiosity was piqued at the idea of making sugar free meringue cookies. I wondered if it would work! 

3 calories a piece?! I'll take 10! 

I took to Google, and to my surprise there were recipes with Splenda, erythritol, stevia and beyond!

I decided to try my hand at sugar free meringues with an erythritol based sweetener I just purchased recently. The brand is Swerve and I purchased it from It claims to have no aftertaste!

Meringues can be a bit tricky to set up due to humidity and given that it was a hot August day in North Carolina, I think they turned out pretty well! The texture was good on most of them but a few of them were still a bit soft in the middle. 

Factors working against me:

  • I didn't have enough egg whites
  • I didn't have cream of tartar
  • I was attempting sugar free
  • I didn't have parchment paper
  • Humidity
You may be thinking, why even bother? Well, I don't know. I just had the idea in my head and couldn't let it go! All in all, I was pleased with my results and look forward to trying again with less humidity and real egg whites. 

The cookies came out to about 3 calories a piece which includes the small amount of calories in vanilla and 0 calorie sweetener (it is listed as 0 calorie due to the serving size - if a food is less than 5 calories per serving, they can list it as 0 despite having a small amount of calories). 


  • 8 tsp meringue powder (I used Wiltons brand)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 6 tbsp sweetener (aka 1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp)


  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a baking pan with parchment paper. 
  2. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and whip with a mixer until stiff peaks form. (You may use 4 egg whites in place of the meringue powder but note that meringue powder contains cream of tartar in the ingredients so you may want to add cream of tartar or vinegar or lemon juice if you use egg whites.)
  3. Spoon or pipe the mixture onto the baking pan. Bake for 18-20 minutes. 
  4. Reduce temperature to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for an additional 20 minutes. 
  5. Turn the oven off and open the oven door. Allow the cookies to cool in the oven with the door open for 2 hour. 
  6. Peel the cookies off the parchment paper and enjoy!
Trust me on the two hours of cooling time! I thought my cookies were a complete fail because the texture was so off until I let them cool for two hours in the oven and they transformed!

Let me know if you try these! What is your thought on Meringue cookies? Have you ever tried to make them before?
Crispy, yet melt in your mouth!


  1. These look so easy and I love meringue cookies!!❤️❤️

  2. Is meringue powder the same thing as powdered egg whites?

    1. I believe so! I used Wilton brand and the ingredients for the meringue powder include powdered egg whites but it also has cream of tartar and cornstarch in the ingredients list. If what you have is pure powdered egg whites with nothing else, you may need cream of tartar or a tiny bit of lemon juice to stabilize it. Hope that helps!


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