Reaching New Heights - Rock Climbing at Cliff Hangers, NC

You know I love to be outdoors and hike but lately the weather has been less than favorable. So what's a girl to do?

I suggested, on a whim, that my mom and I try some indoor rock-climbing - an activity I used to enjoy pretty often long ago. She was game! We found a Groupon for Cliff Hangers in Mooresville, NC. Redeeming the Groupon was easy and it included the harness. They had several auto-belay walls and different bouldering (free climbing) areas.

We watched our tutorial video, listened to the rule spiel and then headed straight for the first open auto-belay wall. I went first and quickly realized I had not gone rock climbing since my spinal cord injury. Gripping the hand holds was a bit difficult and I didn't make it up that first wall. 

After descending, I said to my mom that I hadn't gone rock-climbing since the accident. She mentioned she thought of that but didn't want to say anything. I'm almost glad I didn't realize it because I would rather not have that hesitation and nervousness to try things that I once found so easy.

We went over to an easier section of the gym and I was able to finish the easy wall. I moved on to a bit more challenging one and I was able to reach the top of that as well.

I tried an even more challenging one and I got stuck! I went for a reach, missed, and fell but thanks to auto-belay, a fall is just a slow descent down. I tried it again and again and you know what? I never conquered it. So was this experience a failure?

No - I think it was a success. I had fun! I remembered how I loved doing it before. I got to be active, spend time with my mom and challenge myself. Challenge begets growth.

My body will never be the same as it was and things may  be more difficult for me now but I can still keep trying to conquer that wall. A quote that I love came to mind: "Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

How have you challenged yourself lately? Have you ever gone rock climbing?


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