What's the Deal with Keto?

The other day a girl at work said she was going to try the keto diet before her wedding.

One of my friends posted on facebook that they needed some help with the keto diet but exclaimed how they had already lost 6 pounds.

I received some keto muffins in the mail and gave one to my dad who said "What's keto?"

My dad is a little behind the times I suppose.

So what is the real deal behind this trendy diet?

Most people know that it's a low carb and high fat diet. However, most people might not know that it originated in the 1920's as a therapeutic diet for controlling seizures in people with epilepsy.

There is also research suggesting it may be beneficial for those suffering with Alzheimer's. I have a close family friend suffering from this condition so I find this research fascinating.

Here are some reported benefits of the ketogenic diet:

  • reduced inflammation
  • neurological protection
  • improved cognition
  • possibly reduce risk of certain types of cancer 
  • possible weight loss (especially initially)
So should we all hop on the bandwagon of this magical diet?

I would say a resounding: NO!

Some people genetically do not easily enter a state of ketosis. Some people thrive on carbohydrates. I have heard anecdotally that following the ketogenic diet long term can have negative effects on hormones, especially in women and weight loss may stall. 

So I would say, do your own research, consider your own body and mind (and doctor) before jumping into any diet. 

I find the therapeutic use of this diet very interesting and look forward to more research coming out. 

In the meantime I respect anyone who feels this way of eating enhances their life. And I have some tips!

  • Utilize natural sweeteners like stevia and Vitafiber IMO syrup, etc. (See my Keto Friendly Gummy Bears) to satisfy your sweet tooth. 
  • Check out pinterest or Instagram for fun Keto-friendly recipes 
  • Don't buy in to gimmicky items. You probably don't need those super expensive exogenous ketones to make this work for you. 
  • Make sure you have done your homework 
  • Test whether you are truly in ketosis - if you are giving your body bare minimum carbohydrates and not operating on ketones - where is your fuel?
  • Be kind to yourself! A healthy lifestyle is one that makes you feel good. If keto is not for you, join the carb club with me lol! 
What do you think about the Keto diet? I personally love carbs! 


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