How to Prepare for Gains!

Gotta get them gains! Right?

There are a variety of reasons why someone might gain weight intentionally. However, even having this intention, it can still be a challenge. Here are some tips to conquer those fears and accept and love your body.

  • Be aware that your clothes will fit differently and you may want to buy some new clothes. 
It's inevitable that as you gain weight, your clothes will fit differently. I, personally, feel physically uncomfortable when I wear clothes that are so tight, they feel restrictive, so when I gained, I bought new clothes! It's a great excuse to go shopping and will help you feel confident if you're comfortable and happy with what you're wearing. 

  • Take people's comments with a grain of salt. 
I gained quite of bit of weight in a treatment facility for eating disorders, so when I finished treatment, I was quite obviously heavier. Certain individuals made comments about my weight gain but I had to remember that they truly had no malicious thoughts behind their comments - they were simply stating facts (think elderly family friends XD). In the rare case that someone is trying to hurt you with insensitive comments, remember your goals and your health and don't let them have control over you. 

  • Reject the diet mentality. 
This diet, that cleanse, this detox. It's all over social media, magazines, internet articles and it's often the talk among friends. If at all possible, avoid this talk. The diet mentality promotes an unhealthy relationship with food and body image. It seems that we are "supposed" to be dieting (whether they term it that or not) all the time. Learn to spot diet culture, but not accept it as fact. It is especially prevalent throughout the holiday season. Reject it!

  • If scales trigger you, avoid the scale. 
It seems silly that such an inconsequential number can have such a great affect on us, however, it really can. Easily seeing a number I didn't expect or approve of could greatly upset me. I learned to simply stop weighing myself. I get weighed periodically at the doctor's office and that's it! 

  • Be aware that you will gain body fat and that is okay!
Some choose to make a conscious effort to gain weight to gain muscle. You will gain fat too. That's okay. Human bodies require fat. You are not fingernails - you have fingernails. Likewise with fat. You are not fat. You have fat. I have fat. Everyone that is alive has fat. Accept that this is normal and healthy. 

  • Don't compare yourself or your journey to others. 
You know that Instagram famous girl who went on the bulk and she gained tons of muscle? It all went to her glutes and her stomach stayed super shredded? Remember that girl who gained weight in recovery from an eating disorder and she gained weight in all the right places and is now curvy and beautiful? First of all, you don't know everything behind the pictures - from posing to lighting to possibly posting old pictures, people have a lot of tricks to getting that picture. Secondly, we are all unique. You may hold your weight very differently than that girl on Instagram, so don't compare yourself. Also, others in your life may be on a different journey at the time. Perhaps they are trying to lose weight and that may discourage you IF you compare. You are on a separate journey so don't lose sight of your goals. 

  • Learn to love yourself at every stage. 
Wow, Megan, that's a great tip. Now trust me, this is hard. It will probably not be achieved very quickly. I have been working at this for a long time. Recognize that you have been given the gift of life and you do not need to earn it. There are people who love you for the person you are, not the body you're in. Associate with people who are a positive power in your life. Be kind to others and you'll be surprised at how great it makes you feel. You are a beautiful person at every stage in your physical journey. Think of babies and elderly ones. We love them deeply not because they are lean and muscular, not because they are curvy and attractive, but because they are humans deserving of love and so are you. 


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