How to: Conquer the Fitting Room

It's small.

It's dark. 

It shows you the worst reflection of yourself. 

The dreaded, the feared, the fitting room. 

Okay, I may have been a bit dramatic but it's true the fitting room can be almost nightmarish at times. Who chooses their lighting? Seriously, I can see every mustache hair in there lol!

So how can you enjoy the fun of shopping without dreading the fitting room?

  • Don't shop while bloated. Now I'm not saying you have to be your leanest ever but if you're facing temporary gastrointestinal distress, now is probably not the best time to shop. 
  • Remember numbers mean nothing! If you normally wear a 6, but this 6 is too tight, don't get upset! Brands have even admitted that they having clothing produced by different manufacturer's within the same brand, therefore resulting in inconsistent sizing. Numbers. mean. nothing. 
  • Change your language. Don't allow yourself to use words like "fat", "ugly", or "horrible". You can think instead: "This dress does not flatter me. I'd prefer something else" etc. 
  • Have a good friend for moral support and to add to the fun! A good friend will be honest, yet tactful! Let's be honest, not every dress is the dress for you! 
  • If you don't like something, move on. We all have different bodies and if you don't like the way something looks or feels on your body, ditch it! Find something that makes you feel good! 
I love to shop and I love to find clothes I feel confident in! Not every shopping trip is successful but every shopping trip can still be fun!

Do you like to shop? What's your favorite feel-good outfit?


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