How To: Get in Probiotics

If the gut is the second brain, it's about time we take care of our gut health! 

No wonder, then, "probiotic" continues to be a buzz term in the health and wellness community!

Here's my favorite way to get probiotics in - in fact I look forward to them!
Blueberry Lifeway Kefir on a Bagel
  • Lifeway - This a brand with a mission; a mission to make probiotic, nutricious foods, improve the health of their customers and have fun along the way! I'm on board with that! They make kefir, skyr, and now a probiotic elixir! How fun! My favorite is the blueberry kefir cup! They blueberries are so fresh and delicious tasting - they perfectly balance the tartness of the kefir. Lifeway products contain 15-20 billion CFU of live and active kefir cultures per cup! How's that for a probiotic punch? They are sold at my local grocery store - find out where they are sold near you: 
  • Farm and Oven Bakery Bites - Yes, these guys again! I've mentioned them several times now but they so good, packed with veggies and probiotics. Try them for yourself: Farm and Oven
  • Clio Snacks Dark Chocolate En-robed Greek Yogurt Bars - I saw these at the store and hesitated. Is it worth it? Several weeks went by. I finally tried them and I have been missing out! They are SO deliciuos. They taste like bites of cheesecake covered in dark chocolate, not to mention they have 8+g protein and billions of probiotic CFUs. Find them now! 
  • Truth Bars - I've previously reviewed these bars (Truth about Truth Bars) and *spoiler alert* I love them! They have 1 billion probiotic CFUs paired with prebiotic fiber! They also have come out with a new flavor since my review - Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch - so good! Find out where you can buy them here:
  • Smarty Pants Vitamins - If you need/want to supplement - try these! These gummies taste like candy and I'm not mad about it! Not only do I literally desire to eat these, but they have 7 billion probiotic CFU per serving, 99% survivability and prebiotic fiber. My favorite probiotic supplement. I'm a kid at heart!
What's your favorite way to incorporate probiotics?


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